What should I check in order to choose a good clinic?
There are clinics all around the world that allow stem cell therapy for children with autism. They differ in a variety of parameters:
Location - In which country the clinic is located
Protocol - Each clinic gives a slightly different treatment. for example:
The number of stem cells given per kg - usually ranges from 2 million cells per kg to 6 million. Some places will offer a larger number of cells. Since no research was performed using a large number of cells per kg, it appears to me that this treatment is less recommended.
The concern regarding using a large number of cells is that these will cause blood clots which can cause severe damage (1).
The stem cell source - Stem cells can be autologous or donor cells. Donor cells are either from umbilical cord tissue or from a placenta. autologous cells are cells taken from the child's bone marrow in the knee or hip (see " Stem cell types used for ASD treatment "). Most places that treat using donor stem cells, use cells extracted from umbilical cord tissue (Wharton jelly).
Administration of the cells - some clinics give the treatment via intravenous (IV) and some by lumbar puncture = intrathecal (IT).
The intrathecal procedure crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and is perceived as having greater potency as a result. On the other hand, it is a medical procedure performed under local or general anesthesia in an operating room, a procedure with its risks. Another argument for caution is that giving the cells intrathecally skips the body's immune system and therefore is riskier.
Price - There is a wide range of prices for the treatment of stem cells. This variety is affected by factors such as the country where the treatment is given, the clinic's regulations, equipment, etc. The price can range from $ 3,000 per treatment to $ 20,000 per treatment.
Experience – It is important to check how long the clinic has operated and how many children with autism it has already treated successfully. In the various Facebook groups, you can find posts from people treated in various clinics and their feedback. It is also advisable to check with the clinic itself how long it has been working and for how long it has treated children with autism.
Regulation - Each country has its health system and each clinic should be supervised by this system. Ask to see the clinic's certificate and ask what is the source of its cells (some have a local lab and some purchase the cells from an outside lab). If the laboratory is external and far from the clinic, ask how the cells are being transported - they should be kept in cryogenic conditions until shortly before administering to the patient. In addition, each Lab should be supervised and regulated. Ask for the identity of the laboratory that is providing the stem cells. Next, contact the laboratory directly and ask to see independent third-party testing of their product. Any laboratory that has confidence in its product should not hesitate to provide a third-party testing report.
Many clinics in Mexico have recently risen in awareness of different groups. For information on how to check a clinic in Mexico including links to government websites overseeing the country's regenerative care, please check out Article 2.